Company Registration

Registration for the 2025 Quad Cities Corporate Games is closed with limited spots remaining. Please contact Corporate Games staff if you are interested in competiting in 2025. 

Company Fees (Based on the number of eligible employees in the QC metro) *Company fees below are for 2025.
100 or less employees* $1,500
101-300 employees $1,700
301-600 employees $1,900
601-1,000 employees $2,400
1,001-2,000 employees $3,300
2,001-4,000 employees $4,300
4,001 employees and above   $4,800

Company Registration Deadline - Opens December 1 prior to the year of competition.

No payment is due at the time of registration.  Companies will be invoiced after registration is complete.  Fees are due by April 1. 

The company investment covers costs for eligible employees to participate in all sports and events that the Quad Cities Corporate Games has to offer.  This includes green fees, lane fees, registration, awards, etc. The only exception is that cart fees for golf are not included in the company fee. Employees who elect to use a cart will pay that fee separately. 

*Is your company under 75 employees and pairing up with another company to split the cost? List both company names during registration. Our staff will be in contact to work out the invoice arrangement. Interested in partnering but need to find a company? We can assist! Please contact us for more information.

Need more information before registering?  Contact the Corporate Games staff with questions.

Employee Dashboard - Corporate Games Manager

Click the Dashboard button in the upper right corner to access the employee registration portal and your employee dashboard.  New user?  You must have your company code in order to set up an account. (Opens April 2025)

Employee Registration Instructions (Available April 2025)